Do you have an interesting blog that you want me to know about? If so, email me at

Monday, October 17, 2005


The blog search engine that I use most nowadays is Technorati. Compared to IceRocket, which I wrote about last week, Technorati is more like a portal. Think of it as being Yahoo to IceRocket's Google, but in terms of look and feel only -- IceRocket can only hope to be as comprehensive as Google.

In addition to searching for blogs, Technorati also features the most popular blog topics and search terms. You can also look for blogs by category. The test of any search engine, however, is the ability to find the information you're looking for. As with IceRocket, I searched for blogs of people I know using Technorati, and Technorati performed much better. It turned up over half of the blogs, whereas IceRocket found none.


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