Do you have an interesting blog that you want me to know about? If so, email me at

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Online Games Directory

Bored at work? Or just addicted to playing online games? Then Online Games Directory can help! Almost all of the games mentioned in the blog are new to me, and some of them look really cool. Now, if only I had time to try them out...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Mountain View Restaurants

Mountain View Restaurants may not appeal to those who don't live near Mountain View, CA, but since I do, this blog resonated with me. Now I know where to eat when I'm in the Mountain View area!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Consuming Ambitions

While we're on the subject of VCs, how about VC-meets-food? That's what Consuming Ambitions is about. Trinity Ventures' Tom Cole reviews restaurants, discusses cooking, and give tips on bargain hunting when food shopping. VCs need to bargain hunt??

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Sand Hill Slave

Do you like witty humor? Do you like reading about venture capital? Now you can have both at Sand Hill Slave! Once I stumbled upon this blog, I couldn't stop reading it. I went through the archives to read past entries. I was addicted!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Barry Bonds is a Cheater

With all the controversy surrounding Barry Bonds and steroids, you'd think that there'd be sites dedicated to it. Now, there is at least one: Barry Bonds is a Cheater. For someone like me, who believes that Bonds used steroids and that his accomplishments don't belong in the record books, this blog is a godsend.

Friday, August 04, 2006

I'm back... for now

After a long hiatus, I'm going to try updating this blog more regularly again.
If you know of an interesting blog that you want me to highlight here, send an email to