Do you have an interesting blog that you want me to know about? If so, email me at

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Baking Betties

Those who follow this blog know that I'm a sucker for sites that feature pictures of delicious food. Baking Betties happens to be one of those sites. Even after finishing a meal, my mouth waters when I look at some of the creations posted on the blog. I will definitely have to try out some of their recipes.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Spooky's Blog

At first blush, Spooky's Blog seems like any other blog you may come across, with the usual stories about events in the author's life. However, if you look a little longer, you'll find that there are images associated with each post, and moreover, the images are animated. Some of them are downright funny, and that's what makes this a post-worthy blog.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Harry Potter blogs

With the release of Deathly Hallows and the film release of Order of the Phoenix coming this month, I looked for some Harry Potter blogs in the blogosphere. Here are three that I liked:

However, if you're a fan looking for Harry Potter info, I still recommend the fan sites over any blogs I found, my favorite being The Leaky Cauldron.