Looking for a new blog traffic exchange
I'm fed up with BlogExplosion. I submitted one of my other blogs to them over a month ago, and they still haven't approved it. On top of that, no one has responded to the support tickets I filed.
Are there any good traffic exchanges that you recommend? I tried out BlogMad, but for some reason, the code snippet that they provide for detecting my blog doesn't work, so I can't get it approved. I'm looking for an exchange that has a lot of members, doesn't restrict the number of blogs you own, and is easy to approve (or better yet, doesn't require an approval process).
Are there any good traffic exchanges that you recommend? I tried out BlogMad, but for some reason, the code snippet that they provide for detecting my blog doesn't work, so I can't get it approved. I'm looking for an exchange that has a lot of members, doesn't restrict the number of blogs you own, and is easy to approve (or better yet, doesn't require an approval process).
same here.. i can't seem to get approved either
Nothing works. Blogging will never make money. It's just a way wannabe writers will get their viewpoints across to a larger audience that they ever imagined without ever getting paid for it.
If you're just in it for the money there are lots of traffic exchanges that you can submit your blog to like I Love Hits, Click Voyager, Traffic Soldiers etc. but you won't see many 'blogs' there.
We're still working on the approvals at BlogExplosion but we've reached the conclusion that everything else there has ground to a halt
Looks like you haven't tried EntreCard...check out the "Blog of the Day" widget in the top of my Roxiticus Desperate Housewives (http://roxiticusdh.blogspot.com) or Roxy's Best Of... (www.roxysbestof.com) sidebar.
I agree with the conclusion that there is no money in running a blog traffic exchange so none of them work properly.
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