Do you have an interesting blog that you want me to know about? If so, email me at

Thursday, September 20, 2007

*touch* 'em all

I know that some celebrities maintain blogs, and even people who *become* celebrities through blogging. However, all of the celebrity blogs I've seen talk about themselves or the field that you associate with their celebrity status (mostly tech or entertainment). I was therefore pleasantly surprised to find *touch 'em all, a baseball blog written by Alyssa Milano. Yes, that Alyssa Milano, the beautiful actress from TV shows such as "Who's the Boss?" and "Charmed". And she's darn knowledgeable about baseball and a big Dodgers fan, from reading her blog. I don't know how she finds time to maintain her blog, but I'm glad she does. This one is going in my list of favorite blogs.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Unusual Business Ideas That Work

Unusual Business Ideas That Work is similar to the Strange Business blog I wrote about a few months ago. In the words of the author, the blog is about "people who make money online selling unusual, strange and sometimes bizarre things or provide curious services." Recently mentioned business ideas include teaching poker, selling bowties, and "closet therapy". The blog is updated daily, so keep checking back to see more unusual business ideas.