Do you have an interesting blog that you want me to know about? If so, email me at

Friday, December 28, 2007

Blogcharm to shut down

Looks like Blogcharm couldn't keep going the way it had been. Today, Blogcharm posted that it would cease operations on Jan 1. If you visit any Blogcharm site, you'll see a message that says: "We regret to inform you that as of January 1, 2008, the BlogCharm site will no longer continue to operate." The notice also promised to pay bloggers (who have earned at least $10.00) within two weeks, pending confirmation of email address. I confirmed my address today, so we'll see if I get paid what I'm owed in two weeks. It will be a nice belated Christmas present if I do.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Blogcharm non-payments highlighted on Techcrunch

I've posted before about my problems with Blogcharm, the blogging site that purports to pay its members when visitors view their blogs. I haven't been paid for A YEAR and have pretty much given up hope that I ever will. Today, I was pleasantly surprised to see that Techcrunch had a post about the non-payment problem. Hopefully, a high-profile post like this will prod the Blogcharm folks into action.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Better Explained

I don't know if Better Explained qualifies as a blog, but it is updated periodically with new posts, so I'm mentioning it here. Better Explained takes a boring subject that you learned in school and presents it in a new, more intuitive way. It also let's you think about the topic in ways that boring class lectures didn't present. Topics on the site are geared toward math, programming, and business, with a smattering of posts on other subjects.