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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Looking for a new blog traffic exchange

I'm fed up with BlogExplosion. I submitted one of my other blogs to them over a month ago, and they still haven't approved it. On top of that, no one has responded to the support tickets I filed.

Are there any good traffic exchanges that you recommend? I tried out BlogMad, but for some reason, the code snippet that they provide for detecting my blog doesn't work, so I can't get it approved. I'm looking for an exchange that has a lot of members, doesn't restrict the number of blogs you own, and is easy to approve (or better yet, doesn't require an approval process).

Thursday, November 06, 2008

What is wrong with BlogExplosion?

What is wrong with BlogExplosion?

First, as I've chronicled, I'm still waiting for one of my blogs to get approved. It's been weeks, and no one at BlogExplosion seems to read the support tickets either. If they are going to be so slow in approving blogs, they should just skip that step.

Then, as I was surfing through their blogs today, I got a message that said "No more active sites found. You have visited all the active sites in rotation. [blah blah blah...]". Are you kidding me? I visited every blog in rotation?? Have so many people left BlogExplosion that they don't have enough blogs to show people?